Social Team Activity – Fall Term 2019

Social Team Activity – Fall Term 2019

During the fall term social activity, all students of all classes were invited to the social activity at Fryshuset. All students were split into teams and created their own posters, rhymes, choreographies and of course, danced a whole lot! All participants then go to...
K-Dance Social Activity – Spring Term 2019

K-Dance Social Activity – Spring Term 2019

During the spring term social activity, all classes were invited to a outdoor (and very large) game of Mafia, followed by a nice dinner together at the Korean restaurant Nam Kang to get to know each other a bit better. Lots of good company, and of course good...
Kpop Dance Workshop and Meetup – Östhammar

Kpop Dance Workshop and Meetup – Östhammar

Kpop Dance Camp + Meetup Kom och dansa med oss, få nya vänner och ha kul med k-pop!Detta är ett gratis evenemang för alla som är 12-25 år! När? Höstlovet, Onsdag 30/10, Torsdag 31/10, Fredag 1/11Var? Kristinelundskolan, Kyrkogatan 30, 742 32 Östhammar**Fredag 1/11...

Påsk Kpop Dansworkshop 20/4

Påsk Kpop Dansworkshop K-dance by KNS organiserar en kpop dansworkshop under påsklovet. Klasserna är öppna för alla, så ta med dig dina vänner och kom ha roligt med oss. När: Lördag 20:e April Var: Fryshuset Sal 1, Mårtensdalsgatan 2-8, Stockholm Pris: 1 klass = 90...