Översikt för resterande HT20 klasser

Rim LVL 1 Boybands Mån 30/11 17:00-19:00 sal 4 4/12 (fredag) 19:00-21:00 sal 4 7/12 (repetition) 17:00-19:00 sal 4 Extralektion som ersätter uppvisning 14/12 17:00-18:20 sal 4 Chrystal LVL 2 Boybands Mån 30/11 19:00-21:00 sal 4 7/12 (repetition) 19:00-21:00...

Are You Ready For Level 4?

Kom och joina oss på nivå 4 för en rolig utmaning! För att söka denna klass krävs ett godkänt intagningsprov. Intagningsprovet sker via antagning per mail. Ansök senast den 20e augusti genom att skicka in två videor till dance@kpopnonstop.com där du visar upp 40-60...
Social Team Activity – Fall Term 2019

Social Team Activity – Fall Term 2019

During the fall term social activity, all students of all classes were invited to the social activity at Fryshuset. All students were split into teams and created their own posters, rhymes, choreographies and of course, danced a whole lot! All participants then go to...
K-Dance Social Activity – Spring Term 2019

K-Dance Social Activity – Spring Term 2019

During the spring term social activity, all classes were invited to a outdoor (and very large) game of Mafia, followed by a nice dinner together at the Korean restaurant Nam Kang to get to know each other a bit better. Lots of good company, and of course good...